Welcome to our new look! Lately we have been getting questions about why we have two domains for our company. Well…We started with just a blog site under our Kats’N Us name with a K. We wanted to make our site Cats’N Us but there was others using that spelling so as not to confuse too much, we went with the Kats’N Us name. So getting the name katsnus.com as a domain was simple but most people would type catsnus.com so we eventually bought that one as well so you can always find us!
Sounds confusing well the web can be that way sometimes. How to get found?!? It is always changing. Shoot when we started we didn’t think the fun name of Kats’N Us would be difficult to understand but when you have to type it in katsnus it doesn’t sound the same. Kats…Nus is not what we were going for. Maybe CatsandUs would have been better. What fun is that?
Anyway as we moved through life as a cat toy company we discovered that a shopping site is all about shopping. But what about cute pics or stories about our staffers or kitty customers? Where do you put all that fun? Well that is why we have two sites that are connected. One…catsnus.com is all about shopping. Katsnus.com is all about information, and pictures. Best of both worlds.
Just recently we discovered that our katsnus.com blog site had some major bug issues. Fix one bug another one came up. The simplest thing to do is start over and create and new look. So that is where we are at.

If you want to find out about our staff, get some helpful tips check out our blog site katsnus.com
If you want to just shop to your hearts content…check out our shopping site catsnus.com
As we always say Happiness is being owned by cats!