We then had a cat that once he discovered the outside…yes we like our cats to be in and out cats. We fortunately live in an area that provides them with a safe territory. But Buddy loved being outside in the yard. He spent the first half hour just going in and out the cat door! We always found him sunning himself in the yard enjoying life.
We have had a wide range of cats over the years or kitty staffers as we like to call them. We have had a family of cats spend time with us where 3 of the 4 of them wouldn’t let us get too close. They wanted to be a part of our family but at a distance. We had another one that patrolled a 2 block radius and during the 15 years he was with us we had no tom cats, no squirrels in the yard, no mice, and all the other cats we had at the time were under his control and they had duties.

So we are use to having cats that are very independent. We are the staff and they did their thing. Now we have two staffers that are different. First, they are very fluffy. Never had cats with so much fur…layers mind you, and they would prefer to be where their humans are. We let them out in the morning and not too long they are back in wondering what we are doing. This occurs throughout the day. Sometimes, we have to be careful when we go into a room. Because you are doing something and turn around and there is 2 cats looking at you wondering what you are doing in that room.
They like the outdoors mind you but would prefer us to be out there with them so they can keep an eye on us and maybe we will play with them. We thought getting 2 brothers they would entertain themselves but they would prefer us to play with them and keep them in the loop as to what our duties are doing the day.
So we are getting use to our 2 fluffy shadows as we work through the day. It is nice to know that you have backup if needed especially when boxes need to be opened or toys need to be tested.
Got to love cats!