Tucker was a beautiful cat. We acquired 2 brothers. Both were long orange hair cats. We believe they were a mix of Siberian Forest Cat and Manx. Pete has tons or piles of orange fluffy fur and no tail. A big cat in a little body. Tucker had lots of fluffy fur and this beautiful fluffy tail. He was more moderate size. They always kept an eye on each other. They loved to keep an eye on the back yard…indoor outdoor cats. It always seemed like they knew where each other was and protected one another. If Tucker found a mouse he would just play with it until Pete came along and just walked up to it and stomped on it. Kind of telling Tucker “You don’t play with them you kill’im!” Pete didn’t mess around. Pete wasn’t a big believer in moving very quickly unless absolutely necessary. Tucker on the other hand flew. With the fluffy tail sailing in the wind he would fly through the house and jump over Pete or he would fly through the yard chasing after anything. Such a beautiful site and such a happy cat. Sadly at 5 years old, Tucker developed a tumor on the back of his tongue. Nothing could be done to remove it or stop the spread so we had to say goodbye. One of the hardest things to do. And so young! We have acquired a new little friend for Pete and they are inseparable but sometimes I think Pete and me both feel that wind from that fluffy orange tail attached to a very fast flying orange fluffy cat spirit of Tucker.