Sparkle Balls

 Tinsel ball cat toySparkle Balls

This is one of our BEST SELLING cat toys! Made Specifically For Cats! Make it one of  your cat’s favorite Cat Toy !

Our sparkle ball tuff kitty puffs come in bright assorted colors ranging from blue, pinkred, white, gold,and green.  They are about  1 1/2 inches in diameter and consist of colorful yarn and  tinsel tightly woven into a soft fabric ball.


The Kats’n Us cats field test all our cat toys before we offer them to you. No matter what we introduce to them, they always come back to playing with this toy.  Our new addition to the Kats’n Us cat family loves to play with this toy and then brings it to us, places it by our shoes or his food dish in exchange for treats.Kat'sN Us staffer Buddy

These lightweight sparkle balls  or Tuff Kitty Puffs, as we call them can be called glitter balls, tinsel balls, and other names.  No matter what they are called your cat will love to toss, chase, bat these cat toys around.

We have heard concerns about the cat swallowing the tinsel, or the glitter pompom falls apart.  With that we have tested different brands  and use to offer one that did not fall apart as easily as other brands. We went a step further, just recently and had the tinsel pom poms  specifically MADE FOR CATS. The yarn and tinsel in these bright colorful sparkle balls are woven very tight to endure the playfulness of your cat. Therefore we have not experienced these concerns. As always safety first!

Kittens, teenage cats and older cats all need exercise, human contact and stimulation.  These sparkle balls are a great addition to your cats toy selection. We even have heard that they like one color over another! Be creative! Tie a string around one and have your cat chase it. Buy several because these toys can easily hide under the furniture or get swallowed up by the vacuum!

4 thoughts on “Sparkle Balls”

  1. Christi Blessing

    My cat Missy absolutely LOVES the sparkle balls. She won’t play with anything else. When her sparkle ball goes missing, I try to get her to play with another crinkle ball she used to play with before I got her the sparkle ball and she won’t have anything to do with it. I have to find the sparkle ball or get another one out of the package. Lord help me if I am ever totally out of them. They don’t shed pieces and she can carry them around the house (thats how they go missing). Thanks for a wonderful product.

    1. Thanks Christi,
      The Kats’n Us staff love these sparkle balls. They like to bring them to us in exchange for treats and we eve have caught them sleeping with one! What a cute site! Enjoy!

  2. My cat only like the silver ones that’s all I need I have a video of him playing fetch with him

  3. I bought a set of balls like this a few years ago. The balls were all one color except for one tri=colored ball. my cats played with the tri-colored one until it was literal falling apart! Since then and trust me I have searched high and low. No one makes tri-colored balls. If u decide to start making them I believe it would become a best seller! Please let me know if u decide too!! Thank U.

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